Melanie Jolicoeur

Born as a French Canadian. Azaya Yoga came from her birth name Melanie Jolicoeur. In French “Jolicoeur” means “beautiful heart” The Sanskrit words “Azaya” stand for “heart” as her mission is sincerely inspired by love.
Melanie’s path is filled with ups and downs as frequent as the pulse of a heartbeat. She trusts that we are always exactly where we are meant to be at any moment, and from there we can only move forward, sculpting our life through magnificent stories of triumph, wisdom, dignity and love.
Melanie had the experience of being a caregiver for many years, lived through the grief of losing loved ones, coped with a degenerative spine condition and an autoimmune disease. She owned a business for 10 years, lived as a professional artist, and had a large social life with many distractions. Even if she thought her life felt full, she reached the point where she sensed something was missing inside of her. The « doing » took over the « being »
Melanie began questioning and wondering: Is it possible to truly find inner peace? Is happiness something you reach or is it already inside of us? Is it possible to find a balance between body, mind and soul in this roller coaster of life? What is the difference between traditional medicine and holistic medicine? Why do we learn so much about intellectual intelligence but not about emotional intelligence? Would it be possible that our old belief systems are interacting with our perception and holding us back from seeing the beauty of our true essence?
Since then, she has been exploring the world on a journey of self-discovery. Traveling through nearly 30 countries where she lived, worked, explored and studied… Melanie has adapted to a holistic nomadic lifestyle in the past 10 years. After many years of embracing the unknown, home became her heart, and nature the food for her soul.
Her main specialty is Self-Healing Guidance, a holistic practice in which she has incorporated all her knowledge as a Wellness Coach, Sound & Tuning Fork Therapist, Fly Therapist, Yoga Teacher, Breathwork Guide, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Meditation Guide, Chakra Reading Guide.
She has had the opportunity to teach and study different subjects in the last 20 years. Melanie has learned from experts across multiple fields, therapies, and modalities and is now a renowned keynote speaker and teacher at conferences, workshops, seminars, and wellness retreats internationally, online, and in person.
What is
Azaya Soul print
Azaya Soul Print is a private and personalized consultation where Melanie will create – with you – a Roadmap towards Self-Healing using her proprietary Azaya Soul Print method to diagnose the blockages in your energy vortex that are holding you back from harmony and balance.
We all experience physical and mental pain. Some are constant and others come and go. We are sometimes aware but often unaware of the root of these discomforts. Unless there is a sudden accident, Melanie truly believes that all illness or discomfort is created from emotional dissonance which creates energy imbalances that over time manifest themselves as various health problems.
Melanie will invite you to respond to 105 questions from the heart intuition to create with you a personalized plan and will determine the source of the blockages in your physical and emotional body in order to understand the message of your discomfort and help re-align each energy vortex.
This consultation will give you a diagnosis, a reading of your energy vortex inspired by Melanie’s guidance This method has been designed to understand the source of your discomforts on a deeper level and create a simple and clear action plan.
The consultation provides a complete and personalized blueprint – Soul Print – that invites you to make a precise action plan towards self-healing. By restoring harmony and balance in your energy system you will be able to revitalize your body, mind, and soul to optimum levels.

Azaya Soul Print is designed to not only inform you but also teach you the techniques and tools which have been used for thousands of years by the ancient holistic traditions of this world.
- The seven major energy vortices correspond to the individual glands which govern specific organs and systems of the body as well as various spheres of the psyche.
- Each of the primary body systems – e.g. digestive, nervous, immune – interact and are interdependent on the healthy functioning of the major energy vortices.
- In Ayurvedic medicine, these energy vortices or centers are called Chakras.
- They are located along the spine from our pelvic floor (root) to the crown of our head, any blockages in any of the seven major Chakras cause an imbalance – i.e. dissonance – in our flow of energy which shows up in our body as illness and disease.
“Dis-ease” restoring harmony and balance – i.e. coherence – to the flow of energy in and through our Chakras allows us to restore vitality and health to our body and reverse illness and disease.

Readimg Process:

- Each Chakra card, contains 15 descriptive cards linked to emotions, States, attributes of the vortex
- The client will be choosing – guided by feeling and intuition – the cards that hold the most energetic resonance (i.e. magnetic draw) for them.
- Depending on the answer the card will be placed on the white or the black side and from this Mel is able to create the client’s road map, unique Soul Print.
- After discussing and evaluating the results with the client, she will then create a personalized Soul Print diagnosis which is a comprehensive holistic healing plan to restore vitality and health through rebuilding energy coherence.
- After this process, you will be blown away by the message of the reading. You will be able to translate and correspond what the cards are showing with the state of your physical and emotional body.

Once the reading is done, Melanie will share the meaning of your reading and will guide you into the step-by-step process towards self-healing. little bit of body text

“During those last 10 years of traveling the world, I have used this method on myself and with thousands of clients. It is so accurate and effective. The results were profound and expanded personal growth. It became clear to me that I had to share and create this program.”
Mel x

of the Reading
- Melanie aspires to give you the tools & techniques you need to be the master of (holistic health) ceremonies of your most vibrant and joyful life.
- The Azaya Soul Print method will not only bring you clarity of mind but also teach you to discover your own blockages and the power of self-healing as a path to self-realization.
- A renewal of vitality and energy can definitely be felt upon completion of the healing process. More importantly, the method provides a way to learn and retain the holistic tools and techniques that will allow you to maintain a direct awareness of your Chakras in order to preserve the inner harmony and balance of these vital energy vortices.
- All Azaya Soul Print clients also receive a private invitation to join Azaya’s Peaceful Warrior Tribe – a private community on a dedicated social media page where we share inspirational stories, wellness tips and connect with other consciousness-minded people from all around the world.
- All clients also have access to all future offers, workshops, courses, retreats, and upcoming events on a priority basis.
Comes with 2 inspiring E-Book

Session 1 – Week 1
- Private Online consultation– 60-90 Minutes
- Reading
- Chakra Diagnostic
- Explanation of the process
- Soul Print results
- Soul Print prescription
- Online consultation – 60 Minutes
Session 2 – Week 2
- Review of first-week experience
- Journal fallow up
- Questions and answers
- Holistic Coaching
- Guidance & homework (as applicable)
Session 3 – Week 3
- Online consultation – 60 Minutes
- Integration
- Question & Answers
- Group Meditation
- Creation of your Soulprint Mantra
Session 4 – Week 4
- Online consultation – 60- Minutes
- Second reading
- Holistic Coaching
- Conclusion
Azaya Soul Print Prescription
E-Book is Inspired by:
- Holistic Practices
- Breathwork
- Meditation
- Sound Healing Mantra
- Asanas (yogic poses)
- Body awareness exercises
- Inner dialogue exercises
- Soul Print Journaling
- Holistic Medicine
- Food suggestions
- Essential Oils
- Lifestyle suggestions
- Detoxification guidance
- Holistic Coaching
- Awareness exercises
- Mindfulness exercises
- Gratitude practices
- Actions
- Mindset practices

Choose your Investment
There are three 3R Meditation journeys that include Azaya
3R Azaya Journey
Everything from 3R Meditation
Love + Truth orPhoenix Rising t-shirt -
One 60-minute 1:1 meditation coaching session with Mel
3R Azaya Soul Print Journey
Everything from 3R Azaya Journey
One 90-minute 1:1 Azaya Soul Print reading & diagnostic consultation with Mel
Azaya Soul Print Prescription E-Book
Azaya Soul Print 4-Week Journal E-Book
Weekly online holistic coaching consultations
One personalized mantra recording
Guidance & homework coaching during the 4-Week Azaya Soul Print Journey
3R Radical Soulfulness Journey
Everything from 3R Azaya Soul Print Journey
One 30-minute private coaching session with Mel & Robert together
One 90-minute 1:1 life vision coaching session with Robert
Signed hard cover copy of Never Enoughitis
Copy of The Hero’s Journey e-book
Join me!
“It’s with all my heart, that I invite you to join me in this program so we can all learn the tools to Reset Through Self-Healing, raise our vibration, and reach our limitless potential”
Mel x
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